Term 2 Registrations Are now open
Breathe In, Breathe Out
Mita Yoga is not your regular yoga and meditation classes, it offers traditional ancient practices to awaken oneself in addition to yoga and meditation sessions, these classes are very popular in the local community in western Sydney . All the sessions are crafted in such a way that helps align mind, body and energy. Many people have reported a reduced level of stress and improvement in overall wellbeing.
About Your Teacher .
Mita Yoga & Meditation is an initiative run by Mitaji from Sydney Australia, it is dedicated to offering lasting solution for the wellbeing of people from all walks of life in the world.
After having had spiritual experience in 2015 during meditation, Now Mitaji's vision is to spread awareness about the healing power everyone has inside them and how to tap into this power, enabling people to be self-reliant in the face of challenges life throws their way.
In addition to our regular yoga , maditation and wellness workshops we also assist individuals who are battling with issues in life including, but not limited to; anxiety, anger, depression, substance abuse. We have helped many adults with their emotional wellbeing to build fulfilling life.
Our founder Mita, author of Wine and Divine, has helped many people over the past 10 years in India and Australia. Mita was awarded Best Community Person of the Year for 2018-19 by UIA and has won many other awards.
We welcome everyone to join us in self discovery and be the part of Mita Wellness & Meditation.
Please check out our you tube, insta , google review etc. if you have any questions pls email Info@mitawellness.org
These sessions are very much suitable for beginners to expert level.


This popular class is based on the belief that mental and physical health are interrelated, and should be conditioned together. All of the classes at mita meditation attempt to coordinate breathing and physical movement, improve focus and concentration, and help participants regain control of their body and mind.

Getting in touch is the first step on the path towards a healthier and happier lifestyle.
"Our bodies and Minds are our instruments, to the which our inner self should be driver"
Mita Kriya is the process and tool created to activate your energy chakras, it is developed with the help of proven meditation techniques from over 2500 years, these kriyas will bring permanent transformation in your life so that you can enjoy every moment of it.

Focus on the present moment. Among its many benefits, this class helps improve numerous aspects of your life including reaction time and short term memory. Those who have tried this practice have described feeling more relaxed and less distracted by their fleeting thoughts, demonstrating an enhanced ability to solve problems and recall information better.

This particular class helps build a strong core from which one can transition into new positions and exercises. This flow centers around control and precision, with a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a wide range of levels from beginner to advanced. With this class, you will learn and practice the tools needed to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle, while also remaining mindful in every act you perform.

Reduce Stress. Meditation has been clinically shown to reduce both physical and emotional stress, which is extremely prevalent in today's fast-paced society. If you're looking for a good way of “winding down” and feeling more calm and relaxed in your day-to-day life, then dynamic meditation might be right for you.

In just a generation or two, things have changed so much that our attention spans can’t keep up. Between social media and technological gadgets, kids – and adults – are constantly surfing the internet, interacting via social media and playing video games indoors instead of reading a book, taking a walk or playing sports. Children who grow up with their noses in their devices often find it difficult to focus and remain attentive. Meditation teaches them that it’s possible to direct their attention at one thing at a time, and that it actually feels great not to be distracted.